Gynura Loose Leaf Tea, 50g

Gynura tea is a delicate and exotic drink, used for centuries in Eastern medicine, and having numerous unique qualities.
Gynura Loose Leaf Tea, 50g
Sales price 26,10 €

How to brew Gynura tea - Dried leaves of Gynura Procumbens:

  • Put one teaspoonful of dried Gynura into a warmed teapot or small casserole.
  • Add 250 ml (1 glass) of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Separate from the leaves and drink hot or warm. Remaining leaves could be eaten.

Recommended consumption for adults: 200 ml 2 times daily 30 min before meals, for 3 weeks. Repeat after 2 weeks break.
Helps to control excessive weight, when regularly consumed before sport exercise, or walking.

Tip: Tea efficiency is much higher when distilled/purified water is used.


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